Botswana Bird List
Botswana offers visitors with an interest in birding a total of 593 species of feathered delights. Obviously, depending on the season of travel this number with differ with summer being the best season for bird watchers. Of the 593 species recorded, 4 have been introduced and 100 odd are classified as rare.
It is in the Northern stretches of Botswana; namely Chobe and the Okavango where most of the birdlife can be found (good to excellent sightings), the drier desert areas of the Kalahari carry fewer species due to lack of water (average to good sightings).
Partake in one of our specialized birding safaris and with a knowledgeable guide and one can expect to spot between 70 and a 150 species a day in summer and 50 to 100 species in the winter months. All sighting numbers are based on conditions being excellent but as all birders know when the wind picks up birds like to hide.
Should you be interesting a Botswana birding safari please contact us as do have quite a few options available.
Checklist of birds in Botswana
Ostrich Great Crested Grebe Black-Necked Grebe Dabchick White Pelican Pinkback Pelican White-breasted Cormorant Reed Cormorant Darter Grey Heron Black-headed Heron Goliath Heron Purple Heron Great White Egret Little Egret Yellow Billed Egret Black Egret Slaty Egret Cattle Egret Squacco Heron Green-backed Heron Rufous bellied Heron Black-crowned Night Heron White-backed Night Heron Little Bittern Dwarf Bittern Bittern Hamerkap White Stork Black Stork Abdim's Stork Woolly-necked Stork Openbill Stork Saddlebill Stork Marabou Stork Yellow-billed Stork Sacred Ibis Glossy Ibis Hadeda Ibis African Spoonbill Greater Flamingo Lesser Flamingo White-faced Duck Fulvous Duck White-backed Duck Egyption Goose South African Shelduck Yellow-billed Duck African Black Duck Cape Teal Hottentot Teal Red-billed Teal Pintail Garganey Cape Shoveller Southern Pochard Pygmy Goose Knob-billed Duck Spurwinged Goose Maccoa Duck Secretary Bird Egyption Vulture Hooded Vulture Cape Vulture White-backed Vulture Lappet-faced Vulture White-headed Vulture Black Kite Yellow Billed Kite Black Shouldered Kite Cuckoo Hawk Bat Hawk Honey Buzzard Levaillant's Cistocola Croaking Cisticola Lazy Cisticola Neddicky Tawny-flanked Prinia Black-chested Prinia Rufous-eared Warbler Spotted Flycatcher Bluegrey Flycatcher Fantailed Flycatcher Black Flycatcher Marico Flycatcher Pallid Flycatcher Chat Flycatcher Fiscal Flycatcher Cape Batis Chinspot Batis Prirt Batis Fairy Flycatcher Paradise Flycatcher African Pied Wagtail Cape Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Grey Wagtail Mountain Pipit Grassveld (Richard's) Pipit Long-billed Pipit Plain-backed Pipit Wood Pipit Buffy Pipit Striped Pipit Tree Pipit Bushveld Pipit Orange-throated Lonclaw Pink-throated Longclaw Lessar Grey Shrike Fiscal Shrike Red-back Shrike Sous's Shrike Long-tailed Shrike Southern Boubou Tropical Boubou Swamp Boubou Crimson-brested Boubou Puffback Brubru Three-streaked Tchagra Black-crowned Tchagra Bokmakierie Orange-breasted Bushshrike Grey-headed Bush Shrike White Helmet Shrike Red-billed Helmet Shrike White-crowned Shrike European Starling Wattled Starling Plum-coloured Starling Burchells's Starling Long-tailed Starling Glossy Starling Greater Blue-Ear Starling Lesser Blue-Ear Starling Sharp-tailed Starling Red-wing Starling Pale-winged Starling Yellow-billed Oxpecker Red-billed Oxpecker Coppery Sunbird Marico Sunbird Purple Banded Sunbird White-bellied Sunbird Dusky Sunbird Scarlet-cheasted Sunbird Black Eagle Tawney Eagle Steppe Eagle Lesser Spotted Eagle Wahlberg's Eagle Booted Eagle African Hawk Eagle Ayre's Eagle Long-creasted Eagle Martial Eagle Crowned Eagle Brown SnakeEagle Black Breasted Snake Eagle Western Bnded Snake Eagle Bateleur Palm Nut Vulture African Fish Eagle Steppe Buzzard Jackal Buzzard Lizard Buzzard Ovambo Sparrowhawk Little Sparrowhawk Black Sparrowhawk Little Banded Goshawk African Goshawk Gabar Goshawk Pale Chanting Goshawk Dark Chanting Goshawk European Marsh Harrier African Marsh Harrier Montagu's Harrier Pallid Harrier Black Harrier Gymnogene Osprey Peregrine Falcon Lanner Falcon Hobby Falcon African Hobby Falcon Sooty Falcon Red-necked Falcon Western Redfooted Falcon Eastern Redfooted Falcon Rock Kestrel Dickinson's Kestrel |
Greater Kestrel Lesser Kestrel Pygmy Falcon Coqui Francolin Crested Francolin Orange River Francolin Red-billed Francolin Natal Francolin Swainson's Francolin Common Quail Harlequin Quail Helmeted Guineafowl Blue Quail Kurrichane Buttonquail Wattled Crane Blue Crane Crowned Crane African Rail Corncrake African Crake Black Crake Spotted Crake Baillon's Crake Striped Crake Red-chested Flufftail Buff-spotted Flufftail Purple Gallinule Lesser Gallinule Black Sunbird Collard Sunbird Cape White-eye Yellow White-eye Red-billed Buffolo Weaver White-browed Sparrow Weaver Sociable Weaver House Sparrow Great Sparrow Cape Sparrow Grey-headed Sparrow Yellow-throated sparrow Scaly-feathered Finch Thick-billed Weaver Spectacled Weaver Spotted-backed Weaver Chestnut Weaver Masked Weaver Lesser masked Weaver Golden Weaver Brown Throated Weaver Red-headed Weaver Cuckoo Finch Red-billed Queala Red-headed Queala Red Bishop Golden Bishop Red Shouldered Widow White-winged Widow Red-collared Widow Long-tailed Widow Golden Backed Pytilia Melba Finch Jameson's Firefinch Red-billed Firefinch Brown Firefinch Blue Waxbill Violet-eared Waxbill Common Waxbill Black-cheeked Waxbill Quail Finch Locust Finch Orange Breasted Waxbill Cutthroat Fimch Red-headed Finch Bronze Mannikin Pied Mannikn Pin-tailed Whydah Shaft-tailed Whydah Paradise Whydah Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah Black Widow Finch Purple Widow Finch Steel-blue Widow Finch Yellow-eye Canary Black-throated Canary Black-headed Canary Yellow Canary Streaky-headed Canary Black-eared Canary Golden-breasted bunting Cape Bunting Rock Bunting Larklike Bunting Moorhen Lesser Moorhen Red-knobbed Coot African Finfoot Kori Bustard Stanley's Bustard Ludwig's Bustard White-bellied Korhaan Red-crested Korhaan Black-bellied Korhaan Black Korhaan African Jacana Lesser Jacana Painted Snipe Ringed Plover White Fronted Plover Chestnut Banded Plover Kittlitz's Plover Three-banded Plover Caspian Plover Grey Plover Crowned Plover Blacksmith Plover White-crowned Plover Wattled Plover Longtoed Plover Turnstone Terek Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Spotted Redshank Redshank Marsh Sandpiper Greenshank Knot Curlew Sandpiper Little Stint Pectoral Sandpiper Temminck's Stint Sanderling Ruff Great Snipe Ethiopian Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Curlew Whimbrel Grey Phalarope Avocet Black-winged Stilt Spotted Dikkop Water Dikkop Burchell's Courser Temminck's Courser Double-banded Courser Three-banded Courser Bronze-winged Courser Red-winged Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Rock Pratincole Long-tailed Skua Lesser Blackbacked Gull Grey-headed Gull Black-headed Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Tern African Skimmer Namaqua Sandgrouse Burchell's Sandgrouse Yellow-throated Sandgrouse Double-banded Sandgrouse Feral Pigeon Rock Pigoen Red-eyed Dove Mourning Dove Cape Turtle Dove Laughing Dove Namaqua Dove Green-spotted Dove Green Pigeon Cape Parrot Meyer's Parrot Livingstone's Lourie Knysna Lourie Ross's Lourie Grey Lourie European Couckoo African Cuckoo Red-chested Cuckoo Black Cuckoo Great Spotted Cuckoo Striped Cuckoo Jacobin Cuckoo Thick-billed Cuckoo Emerald Cuckoo Klaas's Cuckoo |
Diederik Cuckoo Black Cuckoo Coppery-tailed Coucal Senegal Coucal Burchell's Cuckall White-browed Coucal Barn Owl Grass Owl Wood Owl Marsh Owl Scops Owl White-faced Owl Pearl-spotted Owl Barred Owl Spotted Eagle Owl Giant Eagle Owl Pel's Fishing Owl European Nightjar Fiery-necked Nightjar Rufous-cheecked Nightjar Natal nightjar Freckled Nightjar Mozambique Nightjar Pennant-winged Nightjar European Swift Black Swift White-rumped Swift Horus Swift Little Swift Alpine Swift Palm Swift Bohm's Spintail Speckled Mousebird White-backed mousebird Red-faced mousebird Narina Trogan Pied Kingfisher Giant Kingfisher Half-collared Kingfisher Malachite Kingfisher Pygmy Kingfisher Woodland Kingfisher Brown-hooded Kingfisher Grey-hooded Kingfisher Striped Kingfisher European Bee-eater Olive Bee-eater Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Carmine Bee-eater White-fronted Bee-eater Little Bee-eater Swallow-tailed Beeater European Roller Liliac-breasted Roller Racket-tailed Roller Purple Roller Broad-billed Roller Hoopoe Red-billed Woodhoopoe Scimetre-billed Woodhoopoe Trumpeter Hornbill Grey Hornbill Red-billed Hornbill Yellow-billed Hornbill Bradfields Hornbil Ground Hornbill Black-collared Barbet Pied Barbet Yellow-fronted Tinker Barbet Crested Barbet Greater Honeyguide Lesser Honeyguide Sharp-billed Honeyguide Slender-billed Honeyguide Bennett's Woodpecker Golden-tailed Woodpecker Cardinal Woodpecker Bearded Woodpecker African Broadbill Melodious Lark Motonous Lark Rufus-naped Lark Clapper Lark Flappet Lark Fawn-couloured Lark Sabota Lark Short-clawed Lark Dusky Lark Spiked-heeled Lark Red-capped Lark Pink-billed Lark Starks Lark Chestnut-backed lark Grey-backed finch Lark Black-eared Lark European Swallow White-throated Swallow Wire-tailed Swallow Pearl-breasted Swallow Redbreasted Swallow Mosque Swallow Greater Stripped Swallow Lesser Stripped Swallow South African Cliff Swallow Rock Martin House Martin Greyrumped Swallow Sand Martin Brown Throated Martin Banded Martin Blacksawwing swallow Black Cuckooshrike Whitebreasted Couckooshrike Forktailed Drongo European Golden Oriole Africn Golden Oriole Black Headed Oriole Black Crow Pied Crow Ashy Tit Southern Black Tit Rufous-bellied Tit Cape Penduline Tit Grey Penduline Tit Spotted Creeper Arrow-marked Babbler Black-faced babbler White-rumped babbler Pied Babbler Red-eyed Bulbul Black-eyed Bulbul Terrestrial Bulbul Yellow-bellied Bulbul Kurrichan Thrush Olive Thrush Ground-scraper Thrush Short-toed Rock Thrush Miombo Rock Thrush Mountain Chat Capped Wheatear Familiar Chat Sickle-winged Chat Mocking Chat Arnots Chat Anteating Chat Stonechat Winchat Heuglin's Robin Natal Robin Cape Robin White-throated Robin Collared Palm Thrush Thrush Nightingale Boulder Chat White-browed Robin Kalahari Robin Bearded Robin Garden Warbler White-throated Robin Titbabbler Icterine Warbler Olivetree Warbler River Warbler Great Reed Warbler Basra Reed Warbler European Reed Warbler African Marsh Warbler European Marsh Warbler European Sedge Warbler Cape Reed Warbler Greater Swamp Warbler Yellow Warbler African Sedge Warbler Willow Warbler Bar-throated Aplis Yellow-breasted Aplis Long-billed Crombec Yellow-bellied Eremomela Green-capped Eremomela Burnt-necked Eremomela Bleating Warbler Barred Warbler Stierling's Barred Warbler Fan-tailed Cisticola Desert Cisticola Pale-crowned Cisticola Tinkling Cisticola Rattling Cisticola Red-face cisticola Black-backed Cisticola Chirping Cisticola |
10 Reasons To Visit Moremi Game Reserve
In the heart of Botswana, Moremi Game Reserve showcases stunning natural beauty and rich biodiversity. It offers visitors a rare glimpse into the untamed African wilderness. From the waters of the Okavango Delta to the dense Mopane Tongue, every part of this reserve is alive with nature's wonders, promising unforgettable adventures for wildlife enthusiasts.
Stepping into Moremi Game Reserve is stepping into a world of discovery. With around 400 bird species and incredible predator-prey dynamics, it offers thrilling and educational wildlife viewing. From exploring unique ecosystems to connecting with local cultures, Moremi delivers an exclusive, year-round safari experience.
Is a 7-Day Safari Enough in Time in Botswana
A safari in Botswana feels like entering another world, where Africa's wild beauty remains untouched. Every sunrise brings new adventures, and each sunset leaves stories to share. In our latest blog, we explore the question: "Is 7 Days Enough for a Botswana Safari?"
This query is more than just about counting days; it's about understanding what it means to truly immerse oneself in the heart-stopping beauty and raw wilderness of one of Africa's most prized destinations.
5 Reasons to Stay at Mombo Camp
Located in Botswana's Okavango Delta, Mombo Camp offers luxury surrounded by the wild beauty of one of Africa's most stunning natural wonders. This blog post explores the unique allure of Mombo Camp, a destination beyond the typical safari experience.
In our latest post, "5 reasons to stay at Mombo Camp," we highlight the safari camp's luxury, beauty, and dedication to conservation. Join us in exploring the very best of Botswana's Okavango Delta, where every moment inspires awe and admiration.
What to Pack for a Botswana Safari
Embarking on a Botswana safari is an exhilarating adventure into the heart of Africa's breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife. Whether you're exploring the lush Okavango Delta or the expansive Kalahari Desert, packing wisely is essential to ensure a comfortable and memorable experience.
This guide covers the must-have items for your Botswana safari, from clothing to essential gear. We'll help you choose the right footwear, sun protection, and accessories to enhance your game viewing and bush walks. Let's dive into the ultimate packing list for your adventure!
5 Best Lodges in Moremi Game Reserve
Embarking on a safari in Botswana's Moremi Game Reserve promises an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking wildlife encounters and stunning landscapes. Choosing the right lodge can enhance this experience, offering the perfect blend of comfort, luxury, and immersion in nature.
In this blog, we explore the 5 best lodges in Moremi Game Reserve, each providing unique and memorable experiences. Whether you seek opulent luxury or rustic charm, these lodges serve as ideal bases for discovering the abundant wildlife and vibrant ecosystems of this renowned Reserve.
The Best Okavango Delta Safari Itinerary
Embarking on a safari in the Okavango Delta promises an extraordinary adventure with breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife encounters. This guide to the best Okavango Delta safari itinerary will help you plan a seamless journey through one of Africa's most pristine wilderness areas.
From peaceful mokoro rides along the Delta's waterways to thrilling game drives in the Moremi Game Reserve, each day is designed to maximize your experience. Discover the best time to visit, must-see regions, and essential tips for a memorable safari, ensuring your safari to Botswana is spectacular.
10 Reasons to Visit the Chobe National Park
Welcome to the ultimate guide on why Chobe National Park should be your next travel destination. Nestled in the heart of Botswana, this wildlife-rich haven offers an unparalleled safari experience. From witnessing Africa's largest elephant herds to enjoying unique boat safaris on the Chobe River, the park is a treasure trove of natural wonders and breathtaking landscapes.
Join us as we explore the top 10 reasons to visit Chobe National Park and discover what makes it a must-see for wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.
Best Botswana Safari Itinerary
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the best Botswana safari itineraries. This land of diverse landscapes, from sprawling savannahs and lush wetlands to vast deserts and salt pans, is an absolute dream for any safari enthusiast.
We're about to embark on an unforgettable journey, exploring classic 10-day itineraries, the thrilling Adventure Seeker's Safari, and even extensions to the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls and beyond. Fasten your seat belts, because we're diving deep into the heart of Botswana's natural beauty and wildlife.