St. Mary of Zion
This is the most sacred of shrines in the whole of Ethiopia, not only does St. Mary's host the Ark of the Covenant but also offers up an impressive history dating back some 1700 years.
Around 300AD the first St. Mary of Zion was built in the town of Axum by the first and largest Christian Kingdom outside of the Roman Empire. The church itself has been rebuilt several times over the past 1700 odd years, with the latest version (as you can see below) having been finished in 1964.
Adjoining the main church are two small Chapels, it is in one of these that the Ark of the Covenant is kept. In the next year or so the Ark of the Covenant will be moved to the new Chapel that has been built. The monk who guards the Ark is appointed for life, he is confined to the Chapel and may never leave. No one is allowed in here but put those Indiana Jones outfits on in any case.
Wondering around the church grounds and watching all the pilgrims was really special, but walking through the main church was something else. When we entered the main church there was a feeling of peace and safety that just surrounded us, I know we might sound mad saying that but it was there, something that we could not quite explain to each other.
All photographs have been taken by us here at Uyaphi.com with the sole purpose of showcasing the St. Mary of Zion Church from our point of view.
St. Mary of Zion Image Gallery
Palace Of Haile Selassie
Haile Selassie, King of Kings, Lion of Judah, by the grace of God, Emperor of Ethiopia. Quite a mouthful of a title for a single man or, as the Rastafarians would have it, the son of God. So awe-inspiring are the adjectives that you would have expected him to live in a magnificent palace made of the finest Carrara marble or a granite stone castle in the tradition of Gondar.Visiting The Lalibela Rock Churches
Your correspondent has been travelling in Africa for over three decades. I feel that I know sub-Saharan Africa; its smells, its peoples, its geography and its wildlife. Ethiopia is different, as different as snow is to sand. So different that you could get a very sharp knife and detach it somewhere in the Red Sea because it is not similar to any of its Arab world neighbours either.Where To Travel In Ethiopia
New on Uyaphi.com is our Travel in Ethiopia portfolio featuring safaris and tours to this somewhat new African safari destination; we are very excited about Ethiopia and all that she has to offer. Think of Ethiopia as a more cultural safari destination than what one is used to in Africa.