Ethiopia Scenery Photographs
Just a few photographs of the scenery that surrounds one as you travel around the country remember that if and when you want to stop and snap away just let your guide or driver know and they will do so. Ethiopians are immensely proud of their country and are always will to show it off.
As you can see below, Ethiopia is one amazingly stunning country with vistas left, right and centre. Remember that we did not even get to see 9/10's of what it has to offer. These photos are all from the Northern Historical route that takes in both history and religious sites.
Here is our selection of scenic Ethiopia photographs, all the photos that you see below were taken by the team at Uyaphi.com on our latest travels within the country.
Ethiopia Scenery Image Gallery
Palace Of Haile Selassie
Haile Selassie, King of Kings, Lion of Judah, by the grace of God, Emperor of Ethiopia. Quite a mouthful of a title for a single man or, as the Rastafarians would have it, the son of God. So awe-inspiring are the adjectives that you would have expected him to live in a magnificent palace made of the finest Carrara marble or a granite stone castle in the tradition of Gondar.Visiting The Lalibela Rock Churches
Your correspondent has been travelling in Africa for over three decades. I feel that I know sub-Saharan Africa; its smells, its peoples, its geography and its wildlife. Ethiopia is different, as different as snow is to sand. So different that you could get a very sharp knife and detach it somewhere in the Red Sea because it is not similar to any of its Arab world neighbours either.Where To Travel In Ethiopia
New on Uyaphi.com is our Travel in Ethiopia portfolio featuring safaris and tours to this somewhat new African safari destination; we are very excited about Ethiopia and all that she has to offer. Think of Ethiopia as a more cultural safari destination than what one is used to in Africa.