Tulbagh Church Street
The old Church Street in Tulbagh is one of the more historic streets in South Africa and also one of the prettier. The town itself and the street are around 300 years old, but some of the building in Church Street is a little newer than that, yes it gets rather complicated at this point.
You see in 1969 an Earthquake destroyed or damaged most the old buildings in the street at which point a huge restoration project was started. A few of the buildings had to be rebuilt entirely. Today Tulbagh's Church Street offers one of the largest Cape-Dutch, Edwardian and Victorian provincial heritage sites in one street in South Africa.
It is an absolute joy walking up and down this quaint little street; the street is quiet while the buildings are gorgeous. Visiting Tulbagh only to walk this street is well worth the effort of getting here.
All photographs have been taken by us here at Uyaphi.com with the sole purpose of showcasing the lodge and area from our point of view only.